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New version of magazine (www.turczaninowia.asu.ru) Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.1 Rus ----- "Turczaninowia" and eLIBRARY.RU IF=0,375 The Rules for Authors 1. Original scientific articles and reviews are published in "Turczaninowia" according to the following sections: Systematic rewiews, History of flora, New taxa, Floristic findings, Cromosome numbers and chemosystematics, Criticism and bibliography, Vegetation, Communications, Research technique, Geobotany, Biotechnology and plant genetics, Anatomy and morphology 2. The articles may be presented on the CD, DVD disk, by E-mail or as a manuscript. 3. The manuscript of the article must represent a printout of a full version of the text (including illustrations) on a white paper A4 210 x 297 mm. 4. Used word-processors: * Word for Windows (format *.rtf is preferable) 5. Text requirements presented in Word for Windows and Lexicon. * type - Times New Roman Cyr. 11 * unformatted text, * without indentions and division of words, * paragraphs are separated by a space bar, * without using special symbols (hieroglyphs etc.) and different types (italics, bold type etc.). Special symbols and different kinds of types are used in the printout of the original text or allocation remain in a separate file. 6. The structure of the article: * UDC (Universal decimal classification), * the author`s initials and his surname are written in small letters (both in Russian and in English), * the title is written in capital letters (both in Russian and in English), * keywords in Russian and English language (no more than 15 words)! * the text of the article, * bibliography, * tables with headings, * subscribed pictures, * abstracts both in Russian and in English, * information about authors (name, patronymic name, surname; place of employment; post; address (E-mail, telephone, fax). 7. Pictures are presented either in an electronic form (formats TIF, JPG) or being possible to scan. The names of files are marked in the original. Pictures must have signs and designations. All lines and dots must be clearly seen, they must not blend when reducing. Photos and drawings enclosed in editor Word without the original are not accepted. 8. When using abbreviations and contracted forms of words in the text (besides generally used) it is necessary to give their full variants (in the text itself or in the notes when using them in the text). 9. Photos are enclosed separately and they must be possible to scan (on the reverse side there should be the title and the number of the photo). The number of the photo is marked on the original. Edition has the right to reject not informative and poor-quality photos. 10. References to bibliography are written in the brackets in the text (the author?s surname, year). The list of bibliography is given after the text under the title "BIBLIOGRAPHY" (at first the Russian works are put in the alphabetical order and then the works of the foreign authors are written in Latin). It is registered in the following way: * for magazine articles and other periodicals the author`s surname and his initials, the name of his work, a full or commonly used contracted form of the title of a magazine (or some other periodical), year, the number of the volume, the number of publication, page (or pages) are written. * for books and monographies the author?s surname and his initials, the whole title of the source, the place of publication, the year of publication and pages are written. * for collected articles and conference works the author?s surname and his initials, the name of his work, the whole title of the source, the place of publication, the year of publication and pages are written. * references to unpublished works are not allowed. 11. Attention! The publication volume is not limited (in coordination with authors there can be monographic, including uniting some numbers, releases). 12. Latin titles of plants must be given according to the most up to date sources (it doesn`t relate to the understanding of the taxon borders). 13. The articles published in the section "New taxons" must have Russian texts of descriptions of new taxons. Works about new taxons and new floristic finds can be published only on condition that one type or two (three) isotypes of these taxons are sent. Type samples after publication are sent to the following Herbariums in Russia: LE, NS, and ALTB. Articles on new floristic finds, should prove to be true herbarium a material. 14. In the author's correction it is allowed to correct printing errors and it is forbidden to make other changes in the text. The correct text of the article together with the first variant should be returned in the edition. It is also possible to send the correct variant of the text by E-mail or fax. 15. The decision on the publication is accepted by an editorial board of magazine after reviewing, in view of the scientific importance and a urgency of the presented materials. 16. The manuscript must be signed by the author on the last page. 17. The articles which do not satisfy these requirements won`t be published. The address of edition: South-Siberian Botanical Garden Altai State University Lenina st., 61 Barnaul 656099 RUSSIA "Turczaninowia" E-mail: turczaninowia@mail.ru turczaninowia@Gmail.com Fax: (3852)67-09-28 Tel.: (3852)67-09-27, 36-73-27, 36-86-39 Electronic variant of magazine: http://www.ssbg.asu.ru/turczaninowia.php |
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