The South-Siberian
Botanical Garden (SSBG)
©2008-2014 SSBG ASU

[structure] [collective]
[basic tasks] [collections, expositions]

Shmakov Alexandr Ivanovich is Director of the SSBG of the Altay State University, Doctor of Botany (2000), Professor (2002), Professor of the Botanical Department in the Altay State University.
The sphere of scientific interests is systematization of higher plants (ferns of Eurasia as well), phylogenesis, the history of Botany; protection of endangered species of plants; study of flora in Altay, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China.

Terekhina Tatyana Alexandrovna, Doctor of Botany (2000), Professor, the Head of the Department of Botany in the Altay State University.
The sphere of scientific interests is Geobotany, study of flora, reading special courses in taxonomy, Agrophytocenology, Biology of the development of plants, natural science; study of vegetable cover in natural and broken locations; showing up adventive species; the analysis of environmental conditions with the help of plant - indicators.
>> Science and Education

Kutsev Maxim Gennadyevich, Candidate of Botany, Director of Studies in the SSBG.
The sphere of scientific interests is study of flora in Altay (flora of the mountain range Silugem) and North-West of Mongolia.
>> Science and Education

Smirnov Sergey Vladimirovich, Candidate of Botany (2001), reader of the Department of Botany in the Altay State University.
The sphere of scientific interests is Anatomy and Morphology of plants. The taxonomy of Asteraceae. Study of flora in Altay, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China.
>> The Department of Taxonomy
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German Dmitrii Alexandrovich, Candidate of Botany.
The sphere of scientific interests is taxonomy, study of the family Brassicaceae. Study of flora in Altay, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China.

>> The Department of Taxonomy

Diyachenko Sergey Anatolievich, Candidate of Botany (2000), the Head of the Department of Grasses the Altay State University.
The sphere of scientific interests is study of flora, introduction. Study of flora in the Altay Mountains (flora of the plateau Ukok (Central Altay), forest flora (Russian Altay)). Introduction of grass perennials in the conditions of Barnaul.
>> The Department of Grasses

Davydov Eugenie Alexandrovich, Candidate of Botany (2001), biologist of the SSBG in the Altay State University.
The sphere of scientific interests is flora and taxonomy of lichens; study of lichen flora in the Altay Mountains; protection of lichens in Altay; the taxonomy of the family Umbilicariaceae.

Silantyeva Marina Mikhailovna, Doctor of Botany (2008)
The sphere of scientific interests is study of flora, Biogeography, protection of plants; Olympiads in Biology; study of flora in Altay; showing up rare and endangered species of plants; inventorying the Particularly Protected Natural Territories (PPNT); preparation of the scientific basis for making up the PPNT.

Kostyukov Sergey Alexandrovich
Study of flora of the mountain range Korgon.
>> The Department of Wood Plants and Shrubs

Kochanova Lyudmila Andreevna, Candidate of Agriculture.
Cultivation of decorative plants.
>> The Department of Decorative plants

Elesova Nataliya Vladimirovna, Candidate of Botany.
>> The Department of Geobotany and Natural Resources

Usik Nadezhda Anatolievna, Candidate of Botany, the Head of Herbarium in the SSBG of the ASU.
The sphere of scientific interests is taxonomy, conservation of plants. Detailed study of the family Boraginaceae in the Altay Mountains. Showing up rare species in order to study their condition and to determine their status and the measures of protection. N.A. Usik studied the species and ontogenesis of Mertensia pallasii (Ledeb) G. Don.
>> The Department: Herbarium

Kosachev Petr Alexeevich, Candidate of Botany (2004), a senior teacher of the Botanical Faculty in the Altay State University, a scientific member of the Herbarium in the SSBG of the ASU.
The sphere of scientific interests is taxonomy, study of the family Scrophulariaceae, Orobanchaceae. Study of Altay flora.
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Kopytina Tatiyana Mikhailovna, Candidate of Botany (2003), a teacher of the Botanical Faculty in the Altay State University, a biologist in the SSBG of the ASU.
The sphere of scientific interests is study of flora; detailed analysis of the urban flora in the Altay Territory (two urban floras have been already studied); showing up the adventive species of plants; study of plants in broken locations.

Vaganov Alexey Vladimirovich
A post-graduate student of the Botanical Faculty in the ASU. The sphere of scientific interests is study of the family Cryptogrammaceae around the world (Taxonomy, Morphology, spreading and Ecology)
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Ivanova Maria Sergeevna
A post-graduate student of the Botanical Faculty in the ASU. The sphere of scientific interests is study of the genus Taraxacum.
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